
Coimbatore India
Food delivery, Vondar Dashboard Odrder management
Feburary 25th, 2021
Sparkout Team
Order food online for home delivery in our location. Experience fastest food delivery service with no minimum order & GPS tracking.


Create an unconventional yet user-friendly website – innovative, with a clean & simple design that communicates and showcases multi-media content. Site that spreads the message: "It’s stories your love.”
  • Develop easy-to-find and easy-to-navigate mobile friendly website
  • Showcase each type of content: interactive books, animated stories and picture books, audio stories.
    Create an experience people want to share with others
  • Persuade to download app and subscribe

Our Slient Features

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Scale up client base

We’re looking for a mid-level product designer to join our team

Increase revenue

We’re looking for a Senior Website Developer to join our team

Expand Business operations

We’re looking for a rockstar Pro Game Developer to join our team

Ease of management

We’re looking for a Super Kicks Junior UI & UX Designer to join our team


We’re looking for a mid-level Content Writer to join our team

Flexible payment methods

We’re looking for a mid-level Android & iOs App Developer to join

Our Tech Stack

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Solution &

Our approach was to present the site as a visual editorial platform with quarterly features based on events and occasions the brand was focused on. Each quarterly focus would be marked by the hero and custom tags that filter content.
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.
Create & Save your notes with multi-media
Complete note editor with rich text options
Web Clipper Extension
Automatically sync in real time

Designs Of Our Food Delivery Apps

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facilis consequatur, molestiae reiciendis ab, asperiores aliquid quos fuga vero.

We have implemented together with Sparkout a complete delivery solution, configured and translated for Argentina in approximately 5 months. We have fixed all the technical issues that arose during implementation.
- Jhon henry , ceo at notero jsc -